Tuesday, June 16, 2009


It is hard to start a new blog. I mean it is real hard. It's the first post that gets you. The pressure to preform well is overwhelming. So I thought that I would get this one out of the way and get down to the nitty gritty... hmm.

Why start a new blog?

Well, I thought that my other blog was mostly about me. Kind of a blog only a mother could love. I wanted to create something that was about what I think about. Maybe share some ideas and be inspired to write more about my dilemma: How do I live out what I truly believe without making a fool of myself.

Who am I?

I am one of those people who follows Jesus. I am a husband and a father. I work in a factory fixing things. I am an elder in my church. Which can mean a lot of things... like stuffy and legalistic, but it really just means that I care about the people and try to serve them in any way I am able. I like to read and camp and ride a beat up old bicycle and write things down and be with my family.

What are my plans here?

I want to write something once a week. Something thought provoking (like this post) I need the practice and I need a deadline. I was thinking by Sunday of each week. Also I have an opportunity to write book reviews and interview authors. I will be posting them here once a month. It will give me the credence and a desire to plow ahead and start doing what I love. Deep down in my chest there is this compelling desire to write. To write and write and write... I long to. It's not and unusual longing. The world is replete with aspiring writers. I just want to though... no fame no glory just words.

There you have it. Let's begin...

Seemingly Strange

It seems strange to begin this new adventure (Writing IRRELEVANT) by posting a video. However I have agreed to write a review of a book called Finding An Unseen God by Alicia Britt Chole for www.theooze.com. Below is the author introducing her book on YouTube:

Truth Portraits is Alicia’s official website.